DigitalMentors Team
Site Updates

New Trial Failed Membership Event

AUTHOR: DigitalMentors Team

We're excited to introduce a new membership integration event called "Membership Trial Failed" to complement our existing "Membership Trial Activated" and "Membership Trial Completed" events. This new event provides valuable insights and automation capabilities to enhance your membership program's trial status updates.

The "Membership Trial Activated" event allows you to track and automate actions when a member's trial period begins. This event empowers you to deliver personalized onboarding sequences, provide trial-specific resources, and guide members through their trial experience.

With the introduction of the "Membership Trial Failed" event, you can now also track and automate actions when a member's trial does not convert to a successful membership. This event enables you to take proactive steps such as offering support, alternative options, or incentives to encourage trial members to continue and convert into paying customers.

These membership events, including "Membership Trial Completed," provide a comprehensive set of tools to manage the trial lifecycle effectively. By automating actions based on different trial stages, you can tailor your communication, increase engagement, and optimize conversion rates.

To learn more about setting up and utilizing these membership events, please refer to our documentation or contact our dedicated support team.

We're thrilled to offer these membership events to help you enhance your trial experiences and maximize conversions.

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