DigitalMentors Team
Site Updates

New Membership Integration Events

AUTHOR: DigitalMentors Team

Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce two new integration events: "Membership Trial Completed" and "Membership Charged." These events allow seamless integration between our platform and your preferred CRM or autoresponder, ensuring smooth communication and data synchronization.

With the "Membership Trial Completed" event, you can track and automate actions based on members completing their trial period. This enables you to deliver personalized messages, offer exclusive promotions, or trigger specific actions to enhance their membership experience.

The "Membership Charged" event allows you to stay up to date with members' payment statuses. You can automate actions such as sending payment confirmations, updating subscription levels, or triggering follow-up emails to ensure a smooth payment experience for your members.

These integration events provide numerous benefits, including improved data accuracy, streamlined workflows, and enhanced member management. By automating processes based on these events, you can optimize your membership program and enhance member engagement.

We're excited to provide these new integration events and empower you with more efficient data management. If you have any questions or need assistance with setting up the integration, our support team is here to help.

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